Sieg-Huao, focuses on die casting and investment casting, provides metal works solution, high pressure die casting, precise machining and metal fabrication. 

Contact Us

Tel: +86-2584664117
Name: Sieg-Huao Gussworks(Nanjing) Company Limited.
Add: Room 201-202, the 4th Building, No.302 Central Road, Creative Central Industrial Park, Xuan Wu District, Nanjing City, Jiangu Province, China

Die Casting

  • 01-12
    The Introduction Of Sand Casting and Die Casting
    What is casting? To be simple, the molten metal is poured into a preformed shell and then you will get a desired part after cooling and cutting of the outer shell. The use of this casting process solves the machining problem for the part with complex surfaces, and in the meantime the production effi Read More »
  • 12-19
    How much do you know about die casting?
    Do you know how the name of die casting comes from? It originates from its reusable molds made from steel which are called dies. These molds can not be made from other alloys unless they can withstand high amount of pressure which is used to get the molten metal into the mold. Then you will know the Read More »
  • Total 13 pages  Go to Page
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Fax: +86-25-84664044
Add: Room 201-202, the 4th Building, No.302 Central Road, Creative Central Industrial Park, Xuan Wu District, Nanjing City,Jiangsu Province, China.
Phone1: +86-25-84664117
Phone2: +86-13505167212

About Us

Main Site locating in Nanjing of China.  We start our business since 2005, merge and sharehold serveral companies to enlarge and complete our manufacturing process to give our worldwide customers the comprehensive solution. 

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